Peculiarities of the conceptualization of the case within the framework of psychoanalyticial direction


  • Olena Zhuravlova Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
  • Oleksandr Zhuravlov Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University



formulation of personal case, dynamism, psychotherapeutic process.


Purpose. The article is devoted to the definition and analysis of the peculiarities of the psychologist 's conceptualization of the client' s personal case within the psychoanalytic paradigm. It is established that the relevance of scientific research is due to increasing requirements for optimization and increase the efficiency of the clinician in the face of rapid changes in social reality and the permanent acceleration of the pace of human life.

Methods. To clarify the essence of the studied phenomenon, theoretical methods were used, in particular, analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, systematization of scientific sources and the results of empirical study of the problem of conceptualization of the personal case.

Results. As a result of the analysis of domestic and foreign scientific literature the main periods of formation of the idea of formulating the client's case are characterized. The key functions of this stage of the psychotherapeutic process are identified, including identifying a patient-specific way of organizing knowledge, emotions and behavior, clear clarification of central personality problems and their differentiation from secondary requests, creating a basis for developing an effective treatment plan. The essence of dynamism and unconventionality as the main features of processing a personal event within the psychoanalytic paradigm is highlighted. The specific characteristics of the conceptualization of the case depending on the direction of psychoanalysis chosen by the specialist are established: the structural concept of mental activity of the individual, the theory of object relations or self-psychology. The views of scientists on the structure of the specified initial stage of the specialist's work with the client are outlined.

Conclusions. The formulation of the personal case according to the provisions of psychoanalytic theory involves the search for determinants of the problem of personality outside its consciousness. The process of conceptualization is not clearly structured, as it requires simultaneous consideration of a wide range of factors that are rapidly transforming and located at different levels of mental activity. Therefore, this stage of working with the client takes the form of a narrative.


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How to Cite

Zhuravlova, O., & Zhuravlov, O. . (2022). Peculiarities of the conceptualization of the case within the framework of psychoanalyticial direction. Psychological Prospects Journal, 39, 112-123.

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