Crises in Education Processes at the Universities as Factor of Inclination to Suicidal Behavior Among Students
suicide, suicidal behavior, inclination to suicidal behavior, students, regulatory crisis of higher learning, social and psychological adaptation.Abstract
Thematic justification is connected with psychological crisis that students can experience during the years at university. This psychological crisis is associated with the development of students’ ego-identity, the process of self-evolution, commitment to autonomy and conduction of normative crisis of professional development that can provoke risks of suicidal behavior. Thus, the aim of the article is theoretical justification and empirical research of normative crisis of higher learning influence on inclination to suicidal behavior of university youth. The article marks factors and representations of suicidal behavior among university youth. The article defines that university youth is a specific social group that faces a number of crises in their professional and educational activities during the years of university education. These crises could lead to inclination to suicidal behavior in case the university students undergo this period in inflexible manner with a list of psycho-traumatic situations and premorbid qualities. The listed results of psycho-diagnostic research among students of different years of study (the research was conducted according to M. Gorskaya methods of exposure of inclination to suicidal behavior. According to the results of empirical research, the author proves that normative crises of university study (first, third and fourth years) along with other factors of psychotogenetic and personal origin can contribute to the development inclination to suicidal behavior. The key factor of suicidal risk is social and psychological maladjustment of personality in the framework of psychological crisis, negative life experience and negative ego-concept from the perspective of students’ experience of normative crises at university. The major indicator of the crisis is strong frustration and traumatic emotion of anxiety that intercept crisis as failure; they arise as reaction to blocking of activated needs.
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