Distrust as a psychological phenomenon
Trust, distrust, credulity, safety, danger.Abstract
Purpose. The article provides a theoretical analysis of the problem of mistrust as a psychological phenomenon that is closely related to trust.
Methods. To achieve the purpose of the study, methods of psychosocial approach are used (because mistrust is manifested both internally and externally); subjective approach (because mistrust is an independent psychological phenomenon); system approach (allows to take into account all connections, types, forms, criteria of trust-distrust, as well as determinants, consequences, functions). With the help of these methods the essence of distrust is revealed, which has its own criteria and features.
Results. Analysis of domestic and foreign works on the psychological phenomenon of mistrust allows us to consider it as a means of ensuring human existence in the global world. Along with other sciences (philosophy, sociology, culturology, economics), which study trust – distrust, psychology has a number of methodological and technological problems. The connection between self-confidence and trust in the world is investigated. The task of the study is to determine the essence of distrust; to trace the connection between trust in oneself and trust in the world; to expand the notion of distrust as a means of personal security; to study distrust as a personality trait. An important point in the existence of a balance of self-confidence and trust in others is the level of self-reflection (awareness, spirituality), which will provide a person with peace and acceptance in an unknown difficult situation or fear and rejection, which often drives a person to act non-stereotypically or stereotypically.
Conclusions. In general, it can be concluded that mistrust can manifest itself in suspicion, jealousy, inner tension, "protection", naivety, conformity, dogmatism, negativism, skepticism, intimophobia, unwillingness to make long-term plans, fear of change, excessive propensity to engage. The existence of a balance of self-confidence and trust in others is the level of self-reflection (awareness, spirituality), which will provide a person with balance and self-efficacy in solving life's problems.
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