Theoretical analysis of psychological features of perfectionism in adolescence


  • Snizhana Marchuk Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University



striving for perfection, young people, family, personality, subject, activity, influence.


Purpose. The purpose of the article is a theoretical analysis of the psychological features of perfectionism in adolescence. Methods. The study is based on theoretical methods: analysis, synthesis and generalization of scientific sources on the problems of studying perfectionism and psychological features of adolescence. Results. The results include a theoretical analysis of the basic positions of the study of perfectionism in adolescents. An overview of research by various scientists on the causes of perfectionist tendencies is presented. The article describes some age features of the origin and development of perfectionism. The analysis of the scientific literature indicates that parents have a significant influence on the development of perfectionism in children. It is proved that the problem of perfectionism is quite new in the Ukrainian scientific literature, and the need to study perfectionism requires a deeper analysis of this phenomenon at the present stage of development of psychological science in Ukraine. The article also contains a detailed description of the psychological features of adolescence, in particular, neoplasms in adolescence and identity crisis. Some individual-typological preconditions of development of perfectionism are described. The relevance of the study of perfectionism in adolescence is noted. The article defines that each type of perfectionism has an impact on the formation of young people's personality. The severity of each type of perfectionism in adolescence is different. It is stated that the most represented is a high level of self-centered perfectionism in adolescents. Conclusions. The conclusions indicate that perfectionism as a psychological phenomenon has a significant impact on the formation of personality. Adolescence is characterized by excessive demands on themselves, so young people believe that others make excessive demands on them. According to scientific research, a high level of self-centered perfectionism is most characteristic of adolescents.


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How to Cite

Marchuk , S. (2021). Theoretical analysis of psychological features of perfectionism in adolescence. Psychological Prospects Journal, 37, 141–154.

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