Social-psychological attitudes in the profile of hubristic motivation of the elderly




hubristic motivation, perfection, superiority, social-psychological attitudes, the need for power, the elderly.


The article is devoted to the theoretical and methodological analysis and empirical substantiation of the relationship of social-psychological attitudes and hubristic motivation of the elderly. The theoretical justification of the problem concerns the need to study this aspect in the age group of elderly people due to the mandatory accounting and analysis of the reintegration conditions of successful self-realization and personal improvement. It is noted that hubristic motivation in the signs of perfection and superiority, determines the internal resources of self-development of the individual. It is emphasized that the regulating role in the manifestations of hubristic motivation is carried out by social-psychological attitudes, which, by means of selective attitude to the world and to oneself, determine the internal activity in achieving the desired goals. The developed program of empirical research, as well as a complex of used methods of mathematical processing of results of research allows to specify the theoretical propositions in the form of real psychological facts: two forms of stabilizing and disruptive influence attitudes to the content hubristic motivation are established; it is proved that commitment to excellence as an indicator hubristic motivation of the elderly is associated with a stable experience on assessing and understanding their attitudes and changes; the desire for supremacy finds a connection with destabilizing experiences of the need for power, which often leads to internal uncertainty, ambiguity and conflict. Fixed positive intercorrelation connections between indicators of need for power and installation on result, egoism, money and freedom confirm manifestations in this age group of conservatism and self-sacrifice for the sake of preservation of the interests and views, interest in financial independence and a dominating position of control over others for the purpose of increase of level of trust to itself and growth of importance of the personality.


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How to Cite

Brahina, K. (2019). Social-psychological attitudes in the profile of hubristic motivation of the elderly. Psychological Prospects Journal, 34, 10-23.

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