To the analysis of the question of variability of socio-psychological forms of psychic
image; psycho-gnostic problem; synergistic approach; socio-psychological taxonomy; formal-content system; form of psycheAbstract
Purpose. The article is devoted to the analysis of possibilities of application of theoretical and methodological background of the synergistic approach to a psycho-gnostic problem in the context of development of a question relatively the basis of variability of socio-psychological forms of psychic. Methods. Socio-psychological analysis of a psycho-gnostic problem in the point of view synergistic approach is used as a research method. Results. The specifics of the synergistic approach to the psycho-gnostic problem in its difference from the associative and generative approaches have been disclosed. The possibility to consider the content of the terminological construction «form of the psychic organization» as a formal-content system has been substantiated. In addition, it has been substantiated the necessity of differentiation the conditions of transition of psychic forms into socio-psychological and socio-psychological among ourselves. Conclusions. The analysis of available in the general psychological discourse the representations relatively the demarcation of psychic forms allowed to consideration the prerequisites of the specifics of the transition between certain forms of psychic organization. As such prerequisites are those, related with certain forms of psychic organization: mechanism for ensuring changes in the structure of the system; content as the main "product" of orderliness in this form; criterion of integration (orderliness) of psychic content into the "form of the whole". However, as a result of the analysis remains open the question of specific criteria for integration within a particular form of psychic organization. Instead, the assumption is made that the criteria of integration into the form of the whole changes in the process of phylogenetic and ontogenetic development of the systemic organization of the psyche realized on the human. The obtained results of the analysis allow making sure that the further direction of research of the raised problematic contains prospects of the development within the limits of structural-integrative methodology.
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