Heuristic potential of modern meanings of the semantic field of the category “values”


  • Iryna Bondarevych National University "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic"




process of formation of values, bio-psychological approach to the study of values, problem of decision-making


Purpose. The purpose of the article is to summarize the dynamics of changes that have taken place in the semantic field of the category of “values” and to determine their role in solving the problem of decision-making. The objectives of the study are: a) to characterize the already implemented areas of scientific research on the category of “values”; b) to identify the meanings of the category of “values” that are updated in the modern psychological and interdisciplinary discourse; c) to assess the prospects of using the identified meanings of the category of “values” in solving the problem of decision-making.

Methods.The research methods used were historical, systemic and interdisciplinary approaches, which allowed to characterize new meanings in the semantic field of the category of “values”, as well as the principle of the unity of practical and theoretical knowledge.

Results. The analysis of scientific approaches to transcendentalisation and subjectivisation in the study of values revealed stigmatised semantic meanings of the category “values” that do not correspond to modern scientific inquiries into the reasons for making losing decisions. Instead, in the bosom of psychology and against an interdisciplinary background, a research area related to the bio-psychological aspect of values is developing. This includes studies that focus on the dynamic, procedural nature of values. The latter makes it possible to study the disruption of the connection between the conscious and unconscious spheres, which results in mostly unconscious epiphenomena such as reality deformations, cognitive distortions, conditional values, uncontrolled actions, importation of the psyche, idealised “Self”, etc.

Conclusions. The modern semantic field of the category “values” is supplemented by new meanings related to the procedural nature of values at the bio-psychic level evaluation, acquisition of values, choice as an individual trajectory of life, creation of values, conventionality of values, correlation of conscious and unconscious spheres in the process of evaluation.  It is obvious that the new meanings of the semantic field of the category “values” have heuristic potential for solving urgent issues in decision-making practice.


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How to Cite

Bondarevych, I. (2024). Heuristic potential of modern meanings of the semantic field of the category “values”. Psychological Prospects Journal, 44, 10-22. https://doi.org/10.29038/2227-1376-2024-44-bon

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