Social and Psychological Aspects of Experience Threats to Identity in the War Conditions


  • Veniamin Vinkov Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine



social identity, identity threats, social changes, safety, war


Purpose. The purpose of the article was to empirically investigate how the citizens of Ukraine experience threats depending on the manifestations of identity.

Methods. Online survey, semantic differential; frequency analysis, correlation analysis according to Spearman's test, interpretation and generalization of empirical research results.

Results. The total sample of respondents of the research was 451 people. Empirical research included the study of such types of identity as local, civic, East Slavic, European, professional, religious. The respondents assessed the presence of threats the side from their close environment, the Ukrainian authorities, society in general, citizens of other countries and Russians. In addition, the assessment of respondents with different identity types of such psychological indicators as the degree of their own traumatization, the orientation of their behavior at the moment of danger in relation to other people, increased attention to security problems, the impact of events on their activity and optimism was investigated.

Conclusions. It was found that citizens of Ukraine who have a pronounced local and civic identity, positively perceive the Ukrainian authorities, their close environment and Ukrainian society and do not see threats from their side, which can be characterized as a manifestation of a consolidated position during the war. At the same time, they have high level of psychological traumatization, orientation of their behavior at the moment of danger towards other people, increased attention to safety issues, impact of danger events on their activity and optimism. Such manifestations testify to signs of coping strategy in the danger situation, where on the one hand the problem of threats does not disappear from the field of view and even increases attention to it. On the other hand the activity of such citizens is increasing, they keep the hope that they will be able to cope with these trials. Russians was the greatest threat to Ukrainian citizens with pronounced local, civic, and European variants of identity. Prospects for further research lie in expanding the empirical study of the impact of war on the identity of Ukrainian citizens.


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How to Cite

Vinkov, V. (2023). Social and Psychological Aspects of Experience Threats to Identity in the War Conditions. Psychological Prospects Journal, 42, 24-37.

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