Social maturity in the recursive prism of life
social maturity, recursion, innate adaptability, resilience, openness to experience, responsibility, life values, self-efficacy, personalityAbstract
Purpose. The article is devoted to social maturity theoretical justification in the focus of the recursive complexity of the social phenomena interpretation. The purpose of the review is the theoretical substantiation of the social maturity phenomenon as a recursion of life in the multidimensionality of interdependent socio-psychological phenomena that comprehensively determine the content of society's development.
Methods. The research basis is the theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem with the use of qualitative interpretation of complex procedures of bibliographic and empirical review.
Results. The theoretical explanation of social maturity nature is based on the recursive approach of "complex thinking" by E. Moren philosophical doctrine, which develops the regulation principles in self-reproduction and self-regulation categories. It is noted that the social maturity recursion models the multidimensionality and interdependence of its structural components (innate adaptability, resilience, openness to experience, responsibility, life values, and self-efficacy). The recursive structural-functional organization of the individual’s social maturity is presented and the holographic nature of the functional manifestation of its structural components is emphasized. Functional markers of structural components interdependence (constructive self-preservation, involvement of coping behavior, determination of psychological sovereignty, manifestation of positive thinking and achievement of acme-potential) are considered, which cover the person's social adaptability and integrate psychological clusters of social maturation norms.
Conclusions. The recursive approach to the social maturity study fully justifies the self-productivity and self-regulation characteristics in its structural and functional organization. The broad perspectives of conducting research on individual's social maturity are outlined, taking into account the recursive unfolding of life in order to identify the motivational, emotional and axiological synergy of effective socialization.
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