Traumatic experience: a historical explanation of psychological studies
traumatic experience, psychological trauma, war traumatization, individual trauma, collective trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder, childhood traumaAbstract
Purpose. The article presents the author's version of the methodological reflection of the historical explication of the traumatic human experience. The purpose of the study is to theoretically determine the tendencies of interpreting the individual's traumatic experience in the context of the historical formation of views on the occurrence causes and effects of trauma on a person.
Methods. To carry out theoretical analysis, the following methods were used: systematization of psychological knowledge, statements, ideas regarding the analysis of human psychotraumatization; categorical analysis of basic categories and definitions of traumatic experience.
Results. The result of the theoretical analysis is a historical review of the concept of "trauma" within the framework of medicine and the main periods of its use in the context of socio-political events of mankind (wars of the 20th century and the clinical and moral challenges of their consequences; the inclusion of post-traumatic stress disorder in the official psychiatric nosology; professional recognition of the consequences of harsh behavior in childhood). The basic positions of war traumatization of a person are presented (shell shock, combat neurosis, Afghan syndrome, Vietnam syndrome, Persian Gulf war syndrome). The mnemonic specificity of individual and collective vulnerability to experiencing trauma (historical traumas, victim and aggressor traumas, intergenerational traumas) is indicated. The clinical panorama of post-traumatic stress disorder (diagnostic criteria, retraumatization factors, post-stress maladaptation, behavioral deviations) is outlined. The central coordinates of the study of experiencing trauma in childhood (psychoanalytic, neuropsychological, transgenerational) are determined. The potential socio-situational nature of human psychological trauma is emphasized, which should be taken into account by psychologists and clinicians when drawing up applied programs for the study of traumatic experience phenomenon.
Conclusions. The conclusions indicate that the proposed analysis of priorities for studying the experience of traumatic personal experience in the context of social and political upheavals of the Ukrainian people reveals broad prospects for the development of innovative practices and the provision of psychological services for people of different social statuses and age categories.
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