Study of the psychoemotional states of adolescents with different levels of resilience during the war
psychoemotional states, post-traumatic stress disorder, resilience, adolescence, warAbstract
Purpose. The article presents the results of an empirical study of the psychoemotional states of teenagers with different levels of resilience during the war. The psychological features of the manifestation of psychoemotional states of adolescents depending on age and gender, stay at home and abroad, and the presence of relatives in the zone of active hostilities were analyzed. Such psychoemotional states as anxiety and depression, intrusion and avoidance as symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, and the level of resilience were determined.
Methods. In order to study the psychoemotional states of adolescents with different levels of resilience, in particular, such empirical indicators as intrusion, avoidance, anxiety, depression and resilience, we used the following psychodiagnostic methods: Children's scale of impact of events; Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale-10; Hospital anxiety and depression scale.
Results. Resilience is seen as the ability to cope with complex life events and the resources to restore mental and physical health. It is closely related to the child's psychoemotional sphere, characterized by sensitivity and instability in adolescence. Significant statistical relationships were established between the level of psychoemotional states (intrusion, avoidance, depression and anxiety) and the resilience of adolescents of different ages and genders. It was found that adolescent girls have a higher level of post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety than boys; boys show a higher level of Resilience than girls, but overall the level of resilience in both groups is relatively high.
Conclusions. It has been proven that the severity of states of intrusion and avoidance, anxiety and depression is related to the level of resilience of the individual and also varies depending on the age, gender and location of the teenager and his loved ones. There is a statistically significant inverse relationship between such empirical indicators as intrusion, avoidance, anxiety, depression and the level of resilience. An ongoing relationship between post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms and levels of anxiety and depression in the general sample of adolescents was revealed. Further study of the psychoemotional state of adolescents during the war requires the development and implementation of psychological training for the development of resilience of adolescents of different ages, taking into account the presented results of empirical research, which is undoubtedly a promising direction for further research.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Olha Lazorko, Tetiana Shevtsova

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