Psychological well-being of student youth: a comparative analysis in the covid and war contexts
psychological well-being, students, covenant pandemic, martial law, personal growth.Abstract
Purpose. Description of the results of theoretical analysis and comparative empirical study of the experience of Ukrainian student youth of psychological well-being in the conditions of a covіd pandemic and in a situation of martial law.
Methods. Empirical: K. Riff’s questionnaire «Scale of psychological well-being», in Ukraine translated and adapted by S. Karskanova. Mathematical and statistical: calculation of general averages, statistical criterion of Kolmogorov-Smirnov homogeneity, factor analysis by the method of principal components. Two subgroups of students were compared: the first – in February and March 2021, the second – in March and April 2022.
Results. According to the comparative analysis of data from two empirical sections conducted in different samples of student youth in the midst of the «сovid era» and at the beginning of the war in Ukraine, some statistically significant changes - both positive and negative - in the experience of psychological well-being. In general, it is determined that the positive transformations of the respective experiences are mostly related to «Autonomy», and the negative – to «Environmental Mastery». It was also found that in the war situation the studied Ukrainian youth showed significantly higher cognitive difficulty in understanding their own psychological state, compared to the conditions of the covid pandemic, as the results of factor analysis in the second subselection identified 22 factor structures against 11 in the first. The bipolar factor «My life plans and their implementation as personal pride / Lack of ability to plan life as a source of my personal frustrations» was singled out as a clearly dominant categorical-semantic structure of experiencing psychological well-being by students of the first subgroup; the second is also a bipolar, but less important factor «Meaningful and pleasant self-improvement in society / Envious and senseless loneliness».
Conclusions. In general, it was found that, despite the statistically significant differences between the assessments of individual items on the Riff’s «Scale», the hierarchy of major factors of psychological well-being, determined in both cases on average indicators of experience of student youth, do not differ significantly. Namely: «Personal growth» remains the most pronounced resource both in the conditions of a coveted pandemic and in a situation of war.
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