The emotional attachment of the child to the mother as a predictor of its social adaptation to school education


  • Zoreslava Kryzhanovska Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
  • Kostiantyn Babak Rivne State University of the Humanities



emotional contact, maternal-child relationships, mother’s support, reliable type of attachment, educational activity.


Purpose. The proposed article provides a theoretical analysis and empirical verification of the position that the type of attachment of the child to the mother is one of the factors of social adaptation of the first to school. Methods. Theoretical socio-psychological analysis of the phenomenon of emotional connection between child and mother in relation to its importance in the issue of social adaptation of the child. Based on the theoretical research and generalizations, a program of empirical verification of certain provisions was developed, which was implemented through the methods of conversation and survey. Results. A theoretical review of the subject of research in the scientific literature revealed that among the social factors that influence the process of adaptation of the child to school, scientists single out the acceleration of life, increasing educational requirements, changing life stereotypes and lifestyles. One of the modern factors of children's adaptation today is the difference between preschool and school educational environments. The more varied the educational environments of preschool and school childhood, the more relevant the problems of ensuring continuity between them. In addition to these reasons, researchers suggest paying attention to the position of the mother, the quality of the child's attachment to the mother, the style of child-parent relationship, the mother's own attitude to the educational institution. According to researchers, emotional attachment is necessary for the full mental development of the child, serves as a sense of security, promotes self-development, success and socialization. environment. As a result, children with a reliable type of attachment adapted to school most successfully and emotionally calmly, characterized by easy contact with peers and teachers. Conclusions. The paper analyzes the social and personal factors that children encounter in the process of their social adaptation to school. It has been proven that a number of conditions that affect a child’s personality when he or she begins the learning process include the type of attachment to the mother, her support, and help.


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How to Cite

Kryzhanovska, . Z., & Babak , K. (2021). The emotional attachment of the child to the mother as a predictor of its social adaptation to school education. Psychological Prospects Journal, 38, 138-149.

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