Psychological Peculiarities of Factors of Personal and Interpersonal Functioning of Family Members with Problem Children on the Basis of Family Status




full family, incomplete family, problematic child, personal factors, interpersonal factors.


The article presents an empirical study of personal and interpersonal factors of family members with problematic children on the criteria of family status - full or incomplete family. By means of standardized methods for studying accentuations of personality character, personality traits, parental attitude, analysis of family relationships and statistical analysis, the average values of factors of personal and interpersonal functioning of family members with problem children are determined; their significant differences in the levels of expression of the selected factors are highlighted. It is emphasized that representatives from incomplete families, compared to full families, are more likely to profess a patronizing strategy of raising a child with elements of high protection. It has been determined that incomplete family members, unlike full family members, have a higher risk of hypochondriacal attitudes towards the child. It is proven that representatives of incomplete families, more than representatives of full families, are characterized by extraverted personal disposition and exhibit a high degree of determination, independence, energy, independence, demonstrativeness, self-centeredness, openness to socializing with people, extraversion. It has been established that members of incomplete families are more characterized by persistence, initiative, commitment, ingenuity, activity, and pronounced organizational skills. It is stated that they, more than members of complete families are characterized by superficiality, inability to focus on a particular case or thought for a long time, constant turmoil, jumping from one case to another, disorganization, light-heartedness, readiness for negligent risk, complete inconsistence of behaviour, dependence on others and the lack of volitional control in regulating one's behaviour.


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How to Cite

Mushkevych, M. (2019). Psychological Peculiarities of Factors of Personal and Interpersonal Functioning of Family Members with Problem Children on the Basis of Family Status. Psychological Prospects Journal, 34, 137-154.

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