Features of Masculine Gender Identity Becoming in the Incomplete Family
gender identityAbstract
Main factors that cause features of masculine gender identity becoming in the conditions of education in incomplete family are considered in the article: absence of father in the meaning of non-performance of his roles; mother’s destructive influence actualization; absent father image quality as a basis of image of the Man.
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2. Adler A. To Understand Human Nature / A. Adler. - SPb. : Progress, 1997. - 256 s.
3. Aleshina Yu. E. Problems of mastering the roles of a man and a woman / Yu. E. Aleshina, A. S. Volovich // Vopr. psychology. - 1991. - № 4. - p. 74–82.
4. Bateson G. Steps in the direction of the ecology of the mind. Psychiatry / G. Bateson. - M.: Editorial URSS, 2005. - 248 p.
5. Bendas, TV Century Gender Psychology / T.W. Bendas. - SPb. : Peter, 2009. - 431 s.
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6. Boyko O. Gender aspects of mental health / O. Boyko // Vopr. psychology. - 2005. - № 1. - p. 110–116.
7. Vasilkova Y. To be a man. To be a woman. Sex role training identity of adolescents / Yu. V. Vasilkova. - SPb. : Speech, 2010. - 126 p.
8. Vasyutinsky V. O. Dzherela psychologically articles / V. O. Vasyutinsky // Psychologist. - 2003. - № 33. - p. 1-4.
9. Vasyutinsky V. O. Particularities of the state-roll self-styled clap-board-pіdlіtkіv z nepovnyh sіmey: author. dis. ... Cand. psychol. Sciences: 19.00.07 / V. O. Vasyutinsky. - K.: NDI psychology of Ukraine, 1992. - 19 p.
10. Gorodnova N. Tenderna societal children in the minds of the comic vihovania / N. Gorodnova // Problems of the State Pedagogical Psychology, 2011. - T. XIII. - Part 3. - P. 102-108.
11. Green A. The Dead Mother / A. Green // The French Psychoanalytic School / under. ed. A. Zhibo, A. Rossokhina. - SPb. : Peter, 2005. pp. 333–361.
12. Dobrenkov V. Gender. Marriage. Family / V. Dobrenkov // Fundamental sociology: in 15 tons. / V. I. Dobrenkov, A. I. Kravchenko. - M.: INFRA-M, 2006. - V. 10. - 1094 p.
13. Zelinska T. Masculinist and Batkivska Ambivalence / T. Zelinska // Psychology and Suspension. - T.: TNUU, 2003. - No. 1. - P. 90–102.
14. Ivanov D.I. Psychological analysis of the system of child-batkivsky stoosunk_v paradigm_glibinnoi psihologii: author. dis. ... Cand. psychol. Sciences:
19.00.07 / D.I. Ivanov. - O.: Південноукр. hold ped. unm im. K. D. Ushinsky, 2004. - 21 p.
15. Izhvanova EM. The development of gender role identity in adolescence and mature age: dis. ... Cand. psychol. Sciences: 19.00.13 / E.M. Izhvanova. - M.: Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov, 2004. - 215 p.
16. Kalina O. G. The influence of the image of the father on the emotional well-being and gender role identity of adolescents / O. G. Kalina, A. B. Kholmogorova //
Vopr. psychology. - 2007. - № 1. - p. 15–26.
17. Kalina O. G. The father’s role in the child’s mental development / O. G. Kalina, A. B. Kholmogorova. - M.: Forum. - 2011. - 112 p.
18. Kimmel M. Masculinity as Homophobia: Fear, Shame, and Silence in Designing Gender Identity / M. Kimmel // Gender Studies: Sat. Art. - Kharkov, 2006. - № 14. - P. 34–52.
19. Kozlov A.V. Features of the sex-role identity of young men with different
levels of satisfaction with the relationship with the father / A. V. Kozlov // Science.
studi іz soc. that polit Psychology: ST. Art. - K.: Inn-soc. that polit psychology
APS of Ukraine, 2007. - Vip. 17 (20). - pp. 77–82.
20. Kolesnikova V. I. The Problem of the “Dead Mother” Phenomenon in Psychoanalysis /
V. I. Kolesnikova, E. V. Stashevskaya // Science and Osvita, 2010. - № 4–5. - p. 20-24.
21. Kon I. S. Fatherhood as a socio-cultural institute / I. S. Kon. - mode
access to the journal. : http://sexology.narod.ru/info153.html
22. J. Lacan. The value of the phalos / J. Lacan // Intern. psychoanalitis journals -
SPb. : Freud field, 2010. - № 10. - p. 7–20.
Psychological perspectives. Vipusk 18.2011
23. Laing R. D. “I” and Others / R. D. Laing. - M.: Class, 2002. - 192 p.
24. Mars D. The case of incest between mother and son: its influence on the development
and treatment of the patient / D. Mars // Zhurn. practical psychology and psychoanalysis. -
2004. - № 3. - Access mode: http://psyjournal.ru/j3p/pap.php?id= 20040304
25. Nadolinskaya L.N. The influence of gender stereotypes on upbringing and education / L.N. Nadolinskaya // Pedagogy. - 2004. - № 5. - P. 30–35.
26. None of the Social Networks - Social Indicators // Uryadovy Portal of the CMU. - mode
access: http://www.kmu.gov.ua/control/publish/article?art_id=5632444
27. Nikolchina M. Value and matricide. The tradition of mothers in the light
Julia Kristeva / M. Nikolchin. - M.: Idea-Press, 2003. - 180 p.
28. Nuskhaeva B. Features of the socialization of children in an incomplete family / B. Nuskhaeva // Social. pedagogy. - M.: Nar. education, 2005. - № 2. - p. 63–66.
29. Ovcharov A. A. Masculinity and femininity in the psychology of the nation /
A. A. Ovcharov // Socionics, psychology and interpersonal relations. -
2003. - № 5. - P. 40–44.
30. Pavlov I. Century. Psychology of fatherhood: a review of research and some
conclusions on the current state of the problem / I. V. Pavlov // Perinatalnaya
psychology and psychology of parenting. - 2008. - № 4. - p. 78–95.
31. Potemkina E. Influence of family secrets on the sense of identity /
E. Potemkin // Vestn. psychoanalysis. - 2001. - № 2. - p. 45–47.
32. Reinhold JS. Mother, anxiety and death. Tragic death complex /
J.S. Re
2. Adler A. To Understand Human Nature / A. Adler. - SPb. : Progress, 1997. - 256 s.
3. Aleshina Yu. E. Problems of mastering the roles of a man and a woman / Yu. E. Aleshina, A. S. Volovich // Vopr. psychology. - 1991. - № 4. - p. 74–82.
4. Bateson G. Steps in the direction of the ecology of the mind. Psychiatry / G. Bateson. - M.: Editorial URSS, 2005. - 248 p.
5. Bendas, TV Century Gender Psychology / T.W. Bendas. - SPb. : Peter, 2009. - 431 s.
Psychological perspectives. Vipusk 18.2011 50
6. Boyko O. Gender aspects of mental health / O. Boyko // Vopr. psychology. - 2005. - № 1. - p. 110–116.
7. Vasilkova Y. To be a man. To be a woman. Sex role training identity of adolescents / Yu. V. Vasilkova. - SPb. : Speech, 2010. - 126 p.
8. Vasyutinsky V. O. Dzherela psychologically articles / V. O. Vasyutinsky // Psychologist. - 2003. - № 33. - p. 1-4.
9. Vasyutinsky V. O. Particularities of the state-roll self-styled clap-board-pіdlіtkіv z nepovnyh sіmey: author. dis. ... Cand. psychol. Sciences: 19.00.07 / V. O. Vasyutinsky. - K.: NDI psychology of Ukraine, 1992. - 19 p.
10. Gorodnova N. Tenderna societal children in the minds of the comic vihovania / N. Gorodnova // Problems of the State Pedagogical Psychology, 2011. - T. XIII. - Part 3. - P. 102-108.
11. Green A. The Dead Mother / A. Green // The French Psychoanalytic School / under. ed. A. Zhibo, A. Rossokhina. - SPb. : Peter, 2005. pp. 333–361.
12. Dobrenkov V. Gender. Marriage. Family / V. Dobrenkov // Fundamental sociology: in 15 tons. / V. I. Dobrenkov, A. I. Kravchenko. - M.: INFRA-M, 2006. - V. 10. - 1094 p.
13. Zelinska T. Masculinist and Batkivska Ambivalence / T. Zelinska // Psychology and Suspension. - T.: TNUU, 2003. - No. 1. - P. 90–102.
14. Ivanov D.I. Psychological analysis of the system of child-batkivsky stoosunk_v paradigm_glibinnoi psihologii: author. dis. ... Cand. psychol. Sciences:
19.00.07 / D.I. Ivanov. - O.: Південноукр. hold ped. unm im. K. D. Ushinsky, 2004. - 21 p.
15. Izhvanova EM. The development of gender role identity in adolescence and mature age: dis. ... Cand. psychol. Sciences: 19.00.13 / E.M. Izhvanova. - M.: Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov, 2004. - 215 p.
16. Kalina O. G. The influence of the image of the father on the emotional well-being and gender role identity of adolescents / O. G. Kalina, A. B. Kholmogorova //
Vopr. psychology. - 2007. - № 1. - p. 15–26.
17. Kalina O. G. The father’s role in the child’s mental development / O. G. Kalina, A. B. Kholmogorova. - M.: Forum. - 2011. - 112 p.
18. Kimmel M. Masculinity as Homophobia: Fear, Shame, and Silence in Designing Gender Identity / M. Kimmel // Gender Studies: Sat. Art. - Kharkov, 2006. - № 14. - P. 34–52.
19. Kozlov A.V. Features of the sex-role identity of young men with different
levels of satisfaction with the relationship with the father / A. V. Kozlov // Science.
studi іz soc. that polit Psychology: ST. Art. - K.: Inn-soc. that polit psychology
APS of Ukraine, 2007. - Vip. 17 (20). - pp. 77–82.
20. Kolesnikova V. I. The Problem of the “Dead Mother” Phenomenon in Psychoanalysis /
V. I. Kolesnikova, E. V. Stashevskaya // Science and Osvita, 2010. - № 4–5. - p. 20-24.
21. Kon I. S. Fatherhood as a socio-cultural institute / I. S. Kon. - mode
access to the journal. : http://sexology.narod.ru/info153.html
22. J. Lacan. The value of the phalos / J. Lacan // Intern. psychoanalitis journals -
SPb. : Freud field, 2010. - № 10. - p. 7–20.
Psychological perspectives. Vipusk 18.2011
23. Laing R. D. “I” and Others / R. D. Laing. - M.: Class, 2002. - 192 p.
24. Mars D. The case of incest between mother and son: its influence on the development
and treatment of the patient / D. Mars // Zhurn. practical psychology and psychoanalysis. -
2004. - № 3. - Access mode: http://psyjournal.ru/j3p/pap.php?id= 20040304
25. Nadolinskaya L.N. The influence of gender stereotypes on upbringing and education / L.N. Nadolinskaya // Pedagogy. - 2004. - № 5. - P. 30–35.
26. None of the Social Networks - Social Indicators // Uryadovy Portal of the CMU. - mode
access: http://www.kmu.gov.ua/control/publish/article?art_id=5632444
27. Nikolchina M. Value and matricide. The tradition of mothers in the light
Julia Kristeva / M. Nikolchin. - M.: Idea-Press, 2003. - 180 p.
28. Nuskhaeva B. Features of the socialization of children in an incomplete family / B. Nuskhaeva // Social. pedagogy. - M.: Nar. education, 2005. - № 2. - p. 63–66.
29. Ovcharov A. A. Masculinity and femininity in the psychology of the nation /
A. A. Ovcharov // Socionics, psychology and interpersonal relations. -
2003. - № 5. - P. 40–44.
30. Pavlov I. Century. Psychology of fatherhood: a review of research and some
conclusions on the current state of the problem / I. V. Pavlov // Perinatalnaya
psychology and psychology of parenting. - 2008. - № 4. - p. 78–95.
31. Potemkina E. Influence of family secrets on the sense of identity /
E. Potemkin // Vestn. psychoanalysis. - 2001. - № 2. - p. 45–47.
32. Reinhold JS. Mother, anxiety and death. Tragic death complex /
J.S. Re

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How to Cite
Borovtsov, M. S. (2011). Features of Masculine Gender Identity Becoming in the Incomplete Family. Psychological Prospects Journal, 18, 40-52. https://psychoprospects.vnu.edu.ua/index.php/psychoprospects/article/view/478