Psychological and Pedagogical Conditions for the Development of Professionally Important Qualities of Future Teachers of Preschool Educational Institutions in Training


  • Natalya Yurevna Tsybulyak Berdyansk State Pedagogical University


psychological and pedagogical conditions professional knowledge understanding of the professional important qualities self-knowledge introspection self-esteem level of aspiration motivation and reflection


The views of scientists on the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of professionally important qualities during training were considered in the article. The conditions promoting these qualities in the future educators of preschool educational institutions were defined.


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How to Cite

Tsybulyak, N. Y. (2012). Psychological and Pedagogical Conditions for the Development of Professionally Important Qualities of Future Teachers of Preschool Educational Institutions in Training. Psychological Prospects Journal, 19, 262-271.

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