Peculiarities of Teenagers’ Resource Preferences with Status and Age Differences


  • Olena Khorina Institute of Social and Political Psychology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


reflection, choice, social and psychological expectations, interpersonal relations.


The article presents the results of empirical research resource preferences of 626 respondents of adolescence and youthful age. Junior and teens  who are high school students in Kyiv, student colonies for juveniles of both sexes, first-year students of higher educational institutions in Kyiv took part in the research. Respondents were divided into 10 subgroups of by sex, age and belonging to the the academic or colonies institution.

Love, status, money, information, services, products examined as resources were studied interpersonal relationships. The methods of preferences interpersonal resources (PIR) is adapted version of IWIR (Inventory of Wishes for Interpersonal Resources, by Foa and Bosman). Analysis of the average values of resources allowed defining their importance and distribution among respondents. Statistically significant differences of resource preferences were identified.

Resources love, services, money and information have been evaluated by respondents with higher scores. Resources and status of goods received lower values and occurred to be less important.

Love has no statistically significant differences among the respondents of all subgroups. Among other resources statistically significant differences were determined.

Statistically significant differences of resources information, goods and services resources were identified in colony adolescents (15–16 years). Status and informaion resources were identified in colony adolescents, older than 17 years. The resource of money was statistically significant for schoolgirls teens and first-year students of universities of both sexes. All of these significant differences were recorded in comparison with men colony adolescence. Men appreciated love as the most important resourse. Other resources were less important for them.

Author Biography

  • Olena Khorina, Institute of Social and Political Psychology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

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How to Cite

Khorina, O. (2015). Peculiarities of Teenagers’ Resource Preferences with Status and Age Differences. Psychological Prospects Journal, 25, 256-268.

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