Peculiarities of Psychological Rehabilitation of Combatants


  • Antony Melnуk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



This article presents a theoretical analysis of the main provisions connected with psychological rehabilitation, vocational and psychological rehabilitation, social and psychological rehabilitation of servicemen who happened at different times to be in combat. Indicates that psychological rehabilitation directly solves a wide range of domestic, social and psychological problems for soldiers who were in combat and returned home. Defined the main goal and tasks of psychological rehabilitation, the specificity in work with the military, which at certain times were in combat. Developed a system of principles for conducting psychological rehabilitation, taking into account domestic and foreign experience in this field. The structure of the rehabilitation process, logic and sequence of psychological events directed at the results of the rehabilitation process. Proposed three stages of the rehabilitation process, the first of which plays an important role organizing and conducting-therapy
and art-therapy; the second stage involves the solution of personal psychological problems of servicemen and persons of their immediate environment. In the third stage, as a rule, is working to improve communicative competence and activity of military personnel, search and implement to the full their own resource. On the experience of rehabilitation work with military personnel who were directly in the
combat zone and returned home given its own recommendations for optimizing the rehabilitation process in General. Identifies areas for further improvement of the principles, structures and methods of psychological rehabilitation of servicemen who were in combat.

Keywords: psychological rehabilitation, medical-psychological rehabilitation, vocational and psychosocial rehabilitation, socio-psychological rehabilitation of the servicemen, soldiers.

Author Biography

  • Antony Melnуk, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
    кандидат психологічних наук, доцент кафедри практичної психології та безпеки життєдіяльності Схід­ноєвропейського національного університету імені Лесі Українки


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How to Cite

Melnуk A. (2016). Peculiarities of Psychological Rehabilitation of Combatants. Psychological Prospects Journal, 28, 176-185.