Psychological features of future teachers' self-regulation behavior in the process of professional formation
self-regulation, levels of personal self-regulation, self-regulation of pedagogical activity, flexibility.Abstract
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the main foreign and domestic views on understanding the phenomenon of self-regulation of personality in psychological science and empirical study of indicators of general self-regulation of behavior and flexibility in future teachers.
Methods. The basis of scientific research is theoretical consideration of the topic: analysis and generalization of psychological approaches to the study of self-regulation. The empirical part of the study involved studying the general level of self-regulation and flexibility in future teachers. For this purpose, the method "Style of self-regulation of behavior" (V. Morosanova) was used. The research was implemented using google - forms in online format. The questionnaire allows to diagnose such indicators of self-regulation as modeling, evaluation of results, planning and programming, and indicators of development of regulatory and personal characteristics - independence and flexibility. According to the purpose of our research, two indicators were analyzed: flexibility and the overall level of self-regulation.
Results. The analysis of theoretical sources allowed to assume that self-regulation of conduct of personality is the important constituent of activity of teacher. The results of empirical research have shown that future teachers are characterized by medium and low levels of self-regulation and regulatory flexibility.
Conclusions. The study provided an opportunity to analyze various aspects and views on understanding the of self-regulation behavior phenomenon and empirically identify the level of development of its formation in future teachers in the process of training. We see the prospect of future scientific research in the creation of recommendations and psychological training for the development of psycho-emotional self-regulation as part of teacher training in higher education.
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