Psychological principles of human ecodestructiveness: "tedeum vite" or collective "mortido"
destructiveness, ecodestructiveness, destruction, environment, nature, mortido.Abstract
Purpose of the presented study is the attempt to comprehend the ecodestructive activity of a person through the prism of the achievements of psychological science. In particular, it is suggested to search the origins of human ecodestructiveness in the drive to destruction, which is defined as the mortido. The research methods are analysis, generalization and systematization of theoretical sources of domestic and foreign scientists on psychological origins of destructiveness and aggression, including relation to the environment. Results. Based on the data extrapolation of the reasons for interpersonal aggressive behaviour, conclusions are formed that destructiveness concerning the environment can be manifested to a greater extent when it is hidden behind the screen of institutions, that is can be realized depersonificated, under conditions that environment acts as "object". It is determined that objectification of the environment, depersonification in environmental management, as well as veiling the threatening consequences of ecodestructive manifestations, are the main psychological factors that form the basis of the metaphysics of anthropogenic activity. Destructiveness is viewed through the destruction as the deep existential process that characterizes and accompanies human existence, as well as through the category of freedom. It is stated that freedom has determined the debiologization of a person and created a certain emotional vacuum, the feeling of emptiness and loss of the past, and this traumatic experience in the evolutionary dimension has led not only to the formation of self-destructiveness but also to the drive to the destruction of own environment. The tools of reduction of ecodestructive influences, particularly self-correction and self-awareness in the process of realization of administrative decisions as an attribute of personification in questions of management of environmental quality are suggested. Conclusions. It is emphasized that anthropogenic impact is destructive when this activity is unreasonable or unlimited, that is, violates the natural background or established mechanisms of self-regulation and support of homeostasis in ecosystems. It is significant to demarcate the subject field, delineate the perspectives of psychological mechanisms underlying the unreasonable destruction of self by a person, and own environmental existence, rather than any activity that could have a certain impact on the environmental state.References
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