Еmotional Issues and Neurotic States in Violation of a Family Life Activity
depression,, anxiety,, neurotic states,, psychoemotional issues,, life activity violation,, family crisis.Abstract
The article deals with emotional issues and neurotic states in married couples and their impact on violation of a family functioning in adultery. Depressive reacting has been determined in all crisis groups. Guilt, morning awakening, low mood, mental anxiety, obsessive and compulsive disorders have been revealed in the group with adultery. Women are characterized by low mood, guilt, falling asleep difficulties, insomnia, agitation, mental anxiety, gastrointestinal tract somatic disorders, general somatic symptoms, hypochondriac disorders. In turn, men without adultery are diagnosed with insomnia, morning awakening, thinking retardation, agitation, mental and somatic anxiety, sexual sphere disorders, hypochondriac disorders, obsessive and compulsive disorders. Low mood, guilt, falling asleep difficulties, insomnia, agitation, mental and somatic anxiety, gastrointestinal tract disorders, general somatic symptoms, sexual sphere disorders, and hypochondriac disorders are revealed among women, respectively.
In the group with adultery, the anxiety disorder corresponded to the low and average level of expressiveness, in the group without adultery – to the average and high level of expressiveness. It is stated that men and women of both crisis groups «hid» the symptoms of anxiety. By the level of expressiveness among the subjects with adultery, «mental» symptoms of anxiety prevailed over «somatic»; in the group without adultery, the «somatic» anxiety radical prevailed over «mental». In its turn, the psychoemotional sphere of respondents with adultery anamnesis «did not realize and denied» the existence of psychological conflict in a family. The subjects without adultery showed the tendency of perception a wide range of situations as threatening to their self-esteem.
The analysis of neurotic states revealed anxious, asthenic, and hysterical symptoms, indicating conversive nosogenic psychological reacting, as well as depressive, phobic, and vegetative manifestations in the group of subjects with adultery. Respectively, anxiety and phobic manifestations within the framework of asthenic reacting, vegetative manifestations of conversion, exhaustion, asthenic, depressive, and hypochondriac manifestations have been determined in the group without adultery. The significant symptoms are outlined as targets of psychotherapeutic work. It is noted that the perspective of further research in this area is the scientific grounding and development of measures of specific assistance in the form of familial counselling of life activity violations in a family with adultery.
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