Motivational Determination of Professional Self-Efficiency Within the Limits of Political Realization of a Personality


  • Zhana Virna Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Olga Krevska Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



self-efficiency,, professional self-efficiency, motivational factors,, political realization,, personality.


Motivational determination of professional self-efficiency of a personality within the limits of its political realization has been grounded in the article. The categorial and conceptual content of the phenomenon of self-efficiency has been concretized and the theoretical model of motivational determination of professional self-efficiency in the sphere of political realization of a personality has been developed. Scientific ideas concerning the content of internal and external standards of motivation of professional self-efficiency of a personality and personality and effective components of professional self-efficiency of a personality as forms of realization of their own abilities and competencies and corresponding modeling of external behavior that meets the conditions of professional requirements have been deepened. Personality and behavioral content of motivational factors of professional self-efficiency of a personality within the limits of its political realization has been determined at the empirical and diagnostic level. As the result, the empirical models of motivational factors of professional self-efficiency of a personality have been formed, which are designed as constructive and harmonious motivational factors that explicate the harmonious combination of internal and external motivational standards; internally competent as disproportionate combination of internal and external motivational standards with a shift towards the domination of internal standards of motivation and externally regulated motivational factors with a pronounced dominance in external standards of motivation. The interpretative scheme of qualitative differentiation of motivational factors of professional self-efficiency of a personality within the limits of its political realization has been proposed by means of allocation of such two profiles as constructive, to which we include constructively harmonious motivational factors of professional self-efficiency, and compensatory constructive profile, containing internally competent and externally regulated motivational factors of professional self-efficiency. The compensatory content of internally competent and externally regulated motivational factors of professional self-efficiency has been grounded, which respectively determine the internally competent improvement and externally regulated activity of the understudied students.


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How to Cite

Virna, Z., & Krevska, O. (2018). Motivational Determination of Professional Self-Efficiency Within the Limits of Political Realization of a Personality. Psychological Prospects Journal, 32, 35-48.

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