The Peculiarities of Journalists’ Social Intellect in the System of Convergent News-Rooms
In the paper the place and role of journalist’s social intellect is theoretically grounded and empirically investigated in the process of professional development of personality. The main directions of social intellect researches are considered in foreign and Ukrainian authors’ works. The peculiarities of convergent news-rooms functioning in modern media space are analyzed. It is found that the distinguishing characteristics of the convergent news-rooms are highly qualified staff, in the development of which social intellect occupies an important place. Social intellect is treated as capacity for efficiency of interpersonal interaction,social adaptation and realization of professional abilities. It is taken into account, that the modern society puts forward higher requirements and the latter determine the important role of social intellect in experts journalism, their professional activities and effective implementation of professional competence. In the scope of their professional activity it is necessary to organize the interaction of all subjects of modern society, understanding correctly oneself, others and environment. The sample for the study of social intellect containes 128 journalists from Volyn region aged 21 to 56 years old. There were differences between the groups with different work experience that makes it possible to treat social intellect as an important factor of the professional activities. Moreover it was revealed that social intellect promotes social cognition, development of interpersonal relations and it is the key to success in the professional activities of convergent news-rooms.
Key words: social intellect, convergent news-rooms, the professional activities of journalists, work experience, interpersonal interaction, social skills.
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