Student’s Self-affirmation Strategies in Social Frustration Experience: Characteristics of Vital Balance and Professional Safety
The article represents theoretical and empirical studying of self-affirmation strategies manifestation in social frustration experience of students and grounding the features of their vital balance and professional safety. Theoretical analysis of the problem reveals the main psychological interpretations aspects of social frustration of personality. It is has been emphasized that social and psychological conditionality of
human behavior is manifested in self-affirmation strategies, psychological content of which reflects the uniqueness of the composed human life image. Theoretical explica-tion of the problem is focused on the actual aspects of sensitivity of manifestation of self-affirmation strategies and experience of social frustration in student years. It has
been stated that constructive forms of self-affirmation during this age period is condition of successful personality and professional realization.
Empirical explication of the problem reveals the prognostic dimension of
deployment of the content of student’s professional safety. The prognostic features of professional safety (passive compensational, active optimal and active reflexive) have been outlined, which correspond to psychological content self-affirmation strategies
manifestation in students’ social frustration experience. Constructive and unconstructive tendencies of professional development of future specialists have been concretized and it has been stated that prognostic features of vital balance and professional safety provide the productivity and optimality of professional realization of future specialist.
Keywords: social frustration, self-affirmation strategies, vital balance, professional safety, students.
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