Conseptual Matrix of the Term Self-Accepting in the History of Psychology Development


  • Victoria М. Maystruk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



The development of the concept self-accepting in the history of psychology and counselling practice is highlighted in the article. The theological, philosophical and historic periods of the concept development are analyzed. The definition of the concept is suggested. It is based mostly on the Shepard’s theory and developed considering modern psychological views. Self-accepting is treated as a component of mental wellbeing, based on the realistic however subjective attitude towards self as unique individuality with the weak and strong personal traits. The conceptual; matrix is suggested and the boarders of the tern are defined from different approaches. In the context of the Christianity the self- accepting is treated as forgiveness, from Buddhism as radical accepting, in the modern psychological theories as personal identity, balance between ideal and real self, congruent, self-attitude and direction towards self. The self-accepting serves as a basis for the developing therapeutic practice ACT-acceptance and commitment which contains all definitions of the concept.

Key words: self-accepting, congruent, personal identity, self-attitude and direc­tion towards self.


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How to Cite

Maystruk V. М. (2017). Conseptual Matrix of the Term Self-Accepting in the History of Psychology Development. Psychological Prospects Journal, 29, 302-312.