Constructive Perfectionism of a Future Nurse: Concept and Empirical Verification.
The article is based on the research of conceptual grounds and empirically acknowledged personal-behavior and personal-communicative characteristics of manifestation of constructive perfectionism of would-be-registered nurses. Scientific notions as for constructive perfectionism are deeply improved in the framework of concretization of professional norm as integral criteria of professional-psychological adaptability of would-be-professionals. The verification of the deontological-professional and identification-professional status is reached on the empirical-diagnostic level as well as the psychological adaptability proved according to intensification gradation factor of perfectionism of would-be-trained nurses.
According to empirical research the assumptions are grounded as for regular taxonomy transformations of basis personal-behavior and personal-communicativecharacteristics under the influence of the factor of professional level manifestation of would-be-nurses (adaptive-active, productive-active and competence-required types;) the definitions of the mechanisms decreasing (inhibition), the change (inversion) and intensification (hypertrophy) of transformation of basic personal-behavior and personal-communicative characteristics of would-be-nurses under the influence of perfectionism factor.Keywords: perfectionism, constructive perfectionism, professional-psychological adaptability, professional norm, deontological-professional status, identification-professional status, medical registered nurse.
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