Psychological peculiarities of frustration of people with migration intentions


  • Natalia Shmarova Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



personality with migration intentions, frustration, anxiety and frustration background, potential migrants, migration readiness, fear, anxiety, frustration tolerance.


The article highlights the psychological peculiarities of frustration manifestation of people  with migration intentions. It is stated, that potential migrants inherent specific anxiety and frustration background, caused by experiences and certain fear of the unknown, as well as by the problems of adaptation to the other social, cultural and economic models of life existence. It is noted that frustration as typical reaction to the long and uncertain expectations oppresses and makes uncomfortable the established human biosocial rhythm.

        The theoretical analysis of the main scientific and psychological approaches to the problem of frustration and migration intentions of a personality is made. It is indicated, that a person's migration readiness is manifestation of his or her self-organization and fixes the degree of willingness to the voluntary change of own place of residence and lifestyle activty. For the most part it arises on the basis of contradictions between the world image (imagined or real) and the lifestyle. Migration intentions are accompanied by numerous emotional reactions, among which frustration is singled out. Frustration is considered as one of the most typical human psycho states with a migration intentions, manifested in experiences and behavior peculiarities, caused by real or imagined obstacles, which are seemed to be excessively difficult, hard, insurmountable and hinder the achievement of the expected and desired aim.

        It is emphasized that potential migrants experience difficulties in adapting to the new circumstances and realities of foreign environment, in particular taking into account the factors of xenophobia, migrantophobia, segregation, etc. Frustration of a potential migrant testifies about increased sensitivity to traumagenic factors and insufficient formation of frustration tolerance as ability to respond to emerging problems. It is noted that potential migrants with the increased vulnerability to frustration need thoughtful professional psychological support.


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How to Cite

Shmarova, N. (2019). Psychological peculiarities of frustration of people with migration intentions. Psychological Prospects Journal, 34, 278-288.

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