Training Method “Family Tree” as an Instrument for Ethnic Consciousness Development


  • Diana Sabol Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University



The article describes structure and approach of the training with original methodology “Family tree”. Methodology is aimed to create ethnic consciousness of young people through awareness of self, relationship with his family, genus and ethnic group by means of Ukrainian folk embroidery and understanding the philosophy of embroidered towel. The actuality of given theme is determined by increasing of public and scientific interest to the phenomenon of ethnic consciousness and problems of its formation, including approaches by means of arts and crafts. The importance of the problem of the formation of ethnic consciousness is dictated by the realities of today, it is an essential vector in the approaches to work with young people. Methodology “Family Tree” represented in this article is projective, its uniqueness is in combination of information from the Ukrainian ethnic culture, ethnic psychology, arttherapy, gestalttherapy. The purpose of this publication is the coverage of the training on the formation of ethnic consciousness of youth. The training provided an opportunity with the help of prepared materials to reflect model of his family as family cree or a bouquet, which can diagnose the relationship in the parental family. This work may affect a number of up-to-date problems of participant, related to unresolved childhood problems, that’s why training can contain psychotherapeutic nature. Partial objectives of the training are: creative development of the individual; increase of value-semantic cognitive complexity of personality in ethnic sphere, enriching content of ethnic consciousness of the individual, creating family photos by means of folk applied art; awareness and acceptance of their “Self”; acceptance of others; creating and finding them in life and creative resource; feeling and understanding the strength and support of the genus; harmonization of the individual; building their genealogical “Ukrainian” tree as it was subconsciously done by our ancestors on embroidered towels; increase of self-esteem of boys and girls; selfidentity as ethnofor; recover of internal connection with family; correction of on attitude to family members; affirmation of his own “Self”, this is on of the practical means of formation of ethnic consciousness in adolescence.

Keywords: ethnic consciousness, family, genus, family tree, folk culture, feelings.

Author Biography

  • Diana Sabol, Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
    кандидат психологічних наук, старший викладач кафедри методики та психології дошкільної і початкової освіти Інституту післядипломної педагогічної освіти Київського університету імені Б. Грінченка


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How to Cite

Sabol, D. (2016). Training Method “Family Tree” as an Instrument for Ethnic Consciousness Development. Psychological Prospects Journal, 28, 255-269.