Motivational Determinants of Modern Students’ Participation in the Social Movement: Psychological Aspects


  • Antonina Mitlosh Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



The article analyzes and summarizes the main theoretical approaches in the study of motivation of students participating in the social movement, describes the features of the value-motivational sphere of students, outlines its latest changes towards reorientation to external (material) component, features the social activity of the individual. The results of the previous research, which justified the importance of self-respect motives and recognition of others, experience in organizational structure of the needs of members of NGOs, and noted the low level of display of wealth, are presented. The study was conducted at Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University and Lutsk National
Technical University. The level of public display of activity (or inactivity) was determined using diagnostic techniques of social activity (M. Levytska scale adapted and modified by Cholii S.), which contains the scale of spontaneous and organized social activity. Further research involved complex psychodiagnostic methods for the study of value-motivational sphere of socially active and passive students and their
comparison. The results showed that socially active young people are characterized by a dominance of developmental motives in the structure of motivation. Social status and communication motives are also evident among consumers’ motivations in the structure of motivational profile. The degree of material needs expression were not significantly different in the groups studied. In the group of socially active youth the
basic needs are: recognition, influence and self-realization.

Keywords: social activity, social activity factors, value-motivational sphere, public movement.

Author Biography

  • Antonina Mitlosh, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
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How to Cite

Mitlosh, A. (2016). Motivational Determinants of Modern Students’ Participation in the Social Movement: Psychological Aspects. Psychological Prospects Journal, 28, 185-198.