Psychological Markers of Love Types and Components in Marital Partnership
A theoretical analysis of elements and types of love in psychological investigations are given herein. The relevance of the concept ‘love’ and its importance in such social institutions and forms of their manifestation as religion, morality, family and marriage are grounded. The existing typology of love given by T. Kemper, R. Sternberg, R. Hetfild and E. Fromm has been also elucidated. Techniques such as an interview, polling, questionnaire “Sternberg Triangular Love Scale” have been used to determine the type of love and its main elements. Any marital privacy and execution of matrimonial duties are revealed as the most identified among the elements of love in the partnership of marriage. The component «passion» is observed rarely in couples being under study. As it has been proved, partners in marriage are characterized by five types of love – perfect love, sympathy, meaning meaningless love, love, friendship, and make-believe love. Either romantic or passionate types of love have not been found in our research. Most of the testees are characterized by such types of love as love and love combined with friendship. Married couples in such relations are receptive, show their honesty, and responsibility, but feel much less romanticism and passion. The fourth part of our series of analytical results is characterized by perfect love, in other words, the testees fully implement and develop those values of love that provide spiritual, moral and bodily comfort within marriage. A small number of testees is characterized by meaningless love, sympathy, make-believe love and the lack of love.
Key words: love, marriage, types of love, elements of love, marital privacy, passion, fulfillment of duties.
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