The Empirical Study of Features of Social and Psychological Adaptation of Immigrants Through Leisure and Dance Practices


  • Andriy Smotritsky Institute of Social and Political Psychology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine



This article explores the features of social and psychological adaptation process of immigrants practicing leisure and dance activities. We highlighted the specific features that characterize the leisure and dance practice as a unique social-psychological technology of mutual adaptation of voluntary immigrants and local citizens. The perspective of an empirical study of social and psychological adaptation as a multidimensional phenomenon (the process , the ability and the result) was analyzed. The article substantiates the conceptual model of an empirical study of social and psychological adaptation of immigrants through leisure and dance practices. The empirical research tools of complex study of social and psychological adaptation of voluntary immigrants have been also presented. The paper substantiates the necessity of the author’s expert assessment method development of LDP-components of social and psychological adaptation mecha­nisms. The operationalization of concept “leisure and dance practice” was imple­mented. The indicators of LDP-components of social and psychological adaptation mechanism of voluntary immigrants were highlighted. The expression by stylistic improvisation phenomenon was presented as characteristic of LDP as instrument of social and psychological adaptation of immigrants. The concept of the interpretation of the study results has been proposed. The results of empirical studies using the author’s expert assessment method of LDP-components of social and psychological adaptation mechanisms of immigrants’ adaptation (subcultural identification, emotional attunement, self-actualization) were presented. The dynamics of changes in indicators of LDP-components of social and psychological adaptation mechanism of voluntary immigrants was analyzed. In the article we have come to conclusions and pointed out the prospects for further studies of leisure and dance practices for analysis of the data perception, processing and presentation. For this purpose, the necessity to improve of diagnostic tools and training programs for leisure and dance influence on the process of social and psychological adaptation of immigrants was denoted.

Keywords: social and psychological adaptation of immigrants, leisure and dance practices, leisure and dance practice components of social and psychological adaptation mechanism of immigrants, expression by stylistic improvisation, expert assessment method

Author Biography

  • Andriy Smotritsky, Institute of Social and Political Psychology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
    аспірант Інституту соціальної та полі­тичної психології НАПН України


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How to Cite

Smotritsky, A. (2016). The Empirical Study of Features of Social and Psychological Adaptation of Immigrants Through Leisure and Dance Practices. Psychological Prospects Journal, 27, 246-257.