Peculiarities of psychological support of the population in the period of military actions by the method of symboldrama (imaginative psychotherapy) in the work of a clinical psychologist


  • Oksana Kyhtuik Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University



symbol drama; imagination; psychotherapy; group work; anxiety; influence; resource.


Purpose. The purpose of the article is a theoretical analysis of scientific sources on the effectiveness of the method of symbol drama in the practical work of practicing psychologists; empirically investigate the use of this method in the work of a clinical psychologist to stabilize the emotional state, self-regulation and reduce anxiety, activation of the resource potential of the individual in hostilities.

Methods. Аs a result of our work theoretical methods were used: analysis, synthesis and generalization of scientific sources on the use and description of modern aspects of practical work in the method of symbol dramas; Spielberg-Khanin's method of personal anxiety.

Results. The features of the origin and establishment of the method of symbol dramas are theoretically analyzed. The article describes the latest scientific research and studies in the framework of psychotherapeutic effects of symbol dramas on personality. Theoretical analysis of the literature has shown the effectiveness of using this method to overcome negative emotional experiences, reduce aggressive behavior in adolescents, overcoming the consequences of traumatic events. Conducting psychotherapeutic sessions with the experimental group, showed a positive group dynamics. The effectiveness of using this psychotherapy to provide psychological support and assistance in the work of a clinical psychologist was determined. The use of standard motifs of the symbol drama "Meadow"; "Stream", "Flower", "Mountain", "Tree" contributed to the development of creativity, creativity, visualization and understanding of symbolism, imaginary images. The introduction of the "Land" motif in psychotherapy sessions reflected the possibilities of resuming planning, access to internal resources, and finding a sense of security. The conducted empirical research, survey and conversation with the participants of the experimental group showed the positive dynamics of development and establishment of adaptive mechanisms in self-regulation of anxiety, overcoming stress, finding resources.

Conclusions. The use of catatim-imaginative psychotherapy (symbol dramas) in the work of a clinical psychologist is an effective method of psychological support and assistance to people to overcome emotional disorders, reduce anxiety, develop adaptive mechanisms of recovery, activation of internal resources. An empirical study based on the method of symbol dramas showed high rates of reduction of personal anxiety in the participants of the experiment. We see the prospect of future scientific, theoretical and scientific developments in the introduction and development of new motifs with symbol dramas to provide psychological support and help people.


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How to Cite

Kyhtuik, O. . (2022). Peculiarities of psychological support of the population in the period of military actions by the method of symboldrama (imaginative psychotherapy) in the work of a clinical psychologist. Psychological Prospects Journal, 39, 178–187.

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